Paul, Christiane.

Digital art / Christiane Paul - London ; New York : Thames & Hudson, 2008.

Jackie Matisse sergisi ile bağlantılıdır.

Introduction : A short history of technology and art ; The presentation, collection, and preservation of digital art -- 1. Digital technologies as a tool : Digital imaging: photography and print ; Sculpture -- 2. Digital technologies as a medium : Forms of digital art ; Installation ; Film, video, and animation ; Internet art and nomadic networks ; Software art ; Virtual reality and augmented reality ; Sound and music -- 3. Themes in digital art : Artificial life ; Artificial intelligence and intelligent agents ; Telepresence, telematics, and telerobotics ; Body and identity ; Databases, data visualization, and mapping ; Beyond the book: text and narrative environments ; Gaming ; Tactical media, activism, and hacktivism ; Technologies of the future ; Mobile and locative media ; Social networking ; The next generation of virtual worlds -- Glossary -- Artists' websites and online art projects -- Digital arts organizations and networks, museums, and galleries -- Digital art festivals -- Select new media art exhibitions.


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Computer art.--Digital art
New media art.
Art and technology.

709 / PAU 2015

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