Munari, Bruno,

Bruno Munari : square, circle, triangle.

Il quadrato ©1960 Bruno Munari. First English edition by Maurizio Corraini s.r.l. 2005. Il cerchio ©1964 Bruno Munari. First English edition by Maurizio Corraini s.r.l. 2006. Il triangolo ©1976 Bruno Munari. First English edition by Maurizio Corraini s.r.l. 2007.

"In the early 1960's Bruno Munari published his visual case studies on shapes: Circle, Square, and a decade later, Triangle. Using examples from ancient Greece and Egypt as well as works by Buckminster Fuller, Le Corbusier, and Alvar Aalto, Munari invests the three shapes with specific qualities: the circle relates to the Divine, the square signifies safety and enclosure, and the triangle provides a key connective form for designers. For the first time, this trilogy will be published as a single volume, in an affordably-priced paperback that is sure to catch the eye of long-time Munari fans as well as introducing his creative theories to new audiences"--



Form (Aesthetics)
DESIGN / Graphic Arts / Illustration.
Sanat--Bruno Munari--Yapıt

709.2 / MUN 2015

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