14th Sharjah Biennial : Leaving the echo chamber / curated by Zoe Butt, Omar Kholeif, Claire Tancons - Sharjah : Sharjah Art Foundation , 2019.

The Sharjah Biennial showcases a global perspective on contemporary art. In this book, artists respond to shifts in artmaking as material culture adapts to environmental destruction and climate change. It also explores how social, political, and technological change has altered the ways we exist in the world. Featuring the work of over thirty contemporary and modern artists, the book addresses perceptions of how history is told and re-told. It poses questions and provocations about the state of our existence through stories, poems, and essays. Sharjah Art Foundation tarafından bağışlanmıştır.


Sanat, Bienal, Sergiler--Sharjah Biennial--Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri
Art--Biennials--Exhibitions--Sharjah Biennial--United Arab Emirates

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